Tuesday, April 24, 2007

2Jills blog challenge "Because of You"

I titled mine Because of You, but the challenge is really about Mother's Day, and becoming a mom for the first time.

At the age of 18 when most teenagers are worried about High School proms, graduation, and what they where the latest fashions, I was pregnant and just trying to make it to school and at least graduate. I couldn't worry about the prom, I mean really back then maternity fashions sucked and well it really wouldn't look right me going to the prom at 7 mos pregnant. I do have to say my teachers and classmates were very supportive and helped me reach my goal. I was able to graduate with my fellow classmates that June, and in July I had a 5pound 10 ounce baby boy.

What was the happiest day of my life also became the most confusing day. You see I had a child with a disability called Down's Syndrome. I had never heard of Down's Syndrome, I didn't know what to expect, but I knew that I loved you. I mean, really everytime you moved inside of me, or I felt a kick I loved you. From the moment I was aware of my pregnancy, you were loved. So the moment you were born and they put you on my chest you were loved, I never saw a disabiliy I only saw this beautiful baby boy that was a part of me.

My sons name is Carlos Christopher, but we all call him Chris. I just want you all to know that because of him I became a mother, or should I say a lioness who is constantly protecting her cub.

Because of you, I had to grow up immediately, I not only became a mother, but I became a mother with a child with special needs. Because of you, I learned to be a little more patient. Because of you, I learned to love a little more freely. Because of you, I looked at the world diffently. Because of you, I am more compassionate. Because of you, I was not afraid to have more children. Because of you, your sisters are compassionate towards others. Because of you, I am full of life. Because of you, I laugh loudly. Because of you, I am LOVED unconditionally. Because of you, I love you more than you'll ever know. All this I'm able to do because of you. I love you Chris, my first love, my son.

Friday, April 20, 2007

What's Scrappining?

Well I know that I'm behind in posting my challenge, but so many things going on in my life right now. My father in law had surgery on Tuesday and it's taking a toll on the family. I'm back now, he's recovering slowly from the surgery he's fine.

On another note, I got the most wonderful surprise in an email, from Serendipity Scrapbook Designs. One of my layouts was featured in their newsletter I was featured gallery member. My reaction was OMG that's my layout, woo hoo!

I'm currently working on some DT projects and looking foward to going to a local crop here, hosted by Timeless Inspirations. I'm looking foward to meeting some of my online buddies there.

Now for this weeks challenge I would like for you to create a card with pastel colors. Above is my example! Enjoy can't wait to see what you come up with.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Okay so here's my Monday Mania Challenge

I've decided to start a challenge every Monday on my blog. You will receive a RAK from me and it will motivate me to update my blog. So here's the first challenge.
Create a Layout using at least 9 buttons, 9 brads, 9 flowers, and some lace some where on your layout. I can't wait to see what you create. I created my layout with more than the required elements. Have fun with this!

I'm Back

Okay so I haven't really been anywhere, just need to get used to blogging. LOL. It's funny when you have your friends telling you "Hey you need to update your blog" little did they know I had truly forgotten about it. I also forgot my info. LOL. Anyway here's my update.
In the month of January I was in a six week competition for a DT spot, called the Crop-Azing Race hosted by timeless Inspirations. The race involved Detour Challenges, Roadblock Challenges and Fast Foward. It was really a fun competition and I was able to create layouts and projects that were way out of my comfort zone. On the last week of the competition I was still in the race, and then it was the final moment when they make the annoucement of who the Grand Prize winner is and the rest of the 3 DT members. Well after the annoucement was made of the 4 DT members I congratulated everyone was talking on the phone with my girlfriend Holly who was also in the competition and we just said okay so we didn't make it but it sure was fun. Well as I say that I look at the Message Board and my eyes went straight to the topic that read "wait...more? Yes" and when I open the topic my friend Holly had made the DT they opened up another spot. I was so excited for her, she was crying and I was laughing then I go post my congrats to her on the forum and then there's another topic that reads "and could it be? The team is now 6." Yes you can guess it was me. OMG I was screaming in poor Holly's ear. OMG, OMG I made it. I was just so excited that we both made it. I'll post some of my LO's and projects created for the competition here.
On another note I entered one of my layouts that was created for the Timeless Inspirations competition in a layout contest at Serendipityscrapbookdesigns.com and I won. I could not believe that I won another contest. I can't wait to get my prize for that contest as soon as I do I will take pictures and post here.