how appropriate is that quote. I want you all to meet my best friend Evelyn, I have known her since I was pregnant with my first child which means a little more than 25 yrs, but we really became close when I moved into her neighborhood 17 yrs ago. I remember her telling me one day when we were having a girl time together " you know when I first met you, I was a little scared of you. You were unapproachable and I thought she just didn't like me. LOL but here we are 25 yrs later and still the best of friends. Oh don't get me wrong we had our moments were I thought we would never speak to each other again, but God intervened and He gave us a purpose. She was not only the person I went to when I needed prayer, but we could call each other at all hours of the night and just talk. Or even say OMG are you watching Lifetime. Yeah the Lifetime channel was our tear jerker movies. LOL. I am writing about Evelyn today, because I need your help. Evelyn has Breast Cancer, she was diagnosed in May of this year it was heartbreaking to find out the news over the phone, I wanted to be there for her and hold her, cry with her, and just let her know that I'm here, but I can't. I can though call her, cry over the phone, or just lend an ear, but most of all I can pray for her. I believe that my God is a God of healing, I believe that her trials right now are going to be a testimony for others to hear. I spoke with Evelyn on Friday, and she cried and I was trying to be strong for her and encourage and let her know that God has it all in his hands when she told me "Dolores I lost my hair, my nails have gotten black and I'm so weak, I had to buy a wig" and she cried more. In all this though she continued to tell me how God has blessed them, she has to buy organic food which can be quite expensive, but people from her job, and her husbands job have been just donating gift cards to stores that have organic foods. Wow what a blessing, but the one that stood with me was the Wig. I can't picture Evelyn with a wig and she was crying through the store when she went to see them, but the ladies were so comforting towards her then she found it the one that was close to her real hair so she asked the sales girl if she can try it on through tears as she did she then asked how much the lady said $319.78 Evelyn cried even more knowing that she couldn't afford that she is a school teacher who by the way is still working because it is her other outlet. She got in the car and proceeded to pick up her young daughter at school, when the assistant principal so her and asked how she was doing with the chemo. She said she has her good days and bad days, but today it was bad because she went to buy a wig and well they are too expensive. How wonderful was this woman to offer to buy it for her, how God even then was blessing her. Evelyn refused it, can you believe it. Well the next day the woman saw Bobby and said I have something for your wife, and when they got home it was an envelop with $300 dollars. What a Blessing. So I want to do my part and what I'm asking for is not monetary but I'm asking for your creativity, your time. Evelyn has been blessed by so many through this difficult time, and has only had a chance to verbally say thank you, I thought wouldn't it be great if me along with my crafty friends can make her a few blank Thank You cards so that she can send out. If you are interested just send me a shout out at my email edenroses66@yahoo.com. I'm also asking that you keep Evelyn in your prayers, Evelyn has two daughters ages 14 and 6. Please help me in helping my friend. I want her to know that everyone I know is praying and thinking about her. Sorry for the long post. thanks for reading
It's a beautiful idea D. I am so making cards!
I am crying and sending you an email right now... you are an amazing friend! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
Delores she and her family are in my prayers. I pray that she will feel his constant presence during this difficult time.
It would truly be a blessing to me to do anything I can. Please count me in I'm responding from my blackberry can you email me your address so I can mail them.
I stand in agreement with you for healing in the name of Jesus our lord.
on the card thing tooo!!! OMW>..what a story!!
Doloras, you know my mother is a five year breast cancer survivor. Ican tell you first hand that prayer is the cure. Evelyn, will be in our and I will gladly make cards for her. Also I will try to attend your crop. Make her fight, tell to keep her spirits up and always invision her beautiful daughters to get her through tuff times. She is taking the right steps eating healthy will help her stay strong. God Bless xoxoxo Haydee
I just lost my dear friend to cancer this week I am here to help with prayers and cards
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